A Heatmap on the Shader

When building energy efficient homes you add temperature and humidity insulating layers to the outside walls.
Recently I needed to display a heat map for a cross section of an insulated wall.
On this rectangular cross section I have a number of temperature measurement points and want to show the temperature distribution across the rectangle, interpolating between the measurement points. I chose pure blue to represent the lowest temperature, pure red for the highest and a mixture of blue and red for intermediate temperatures.

So I know the temperature at some points and can translate it to a color value. For every point in my cross section I now have to interpolate these color values in two dimensions.
On every modern computing platform from smartphones to workstations there already exists a piece of hardware which is designed to do exactly this kind of interpolation, called a graphics processing unit. So why not try to use it to generate the diagram I wanted!
I came up with the following solution. Pass in the coordinates of the measurement points as vertices to the vertex shader. Then let the vertex shader program determine a color value for each vertex and pass it on to the fragment shader which will render every pixel on the screen. This worked beautifully for a couple of test points with hard-coded color values. But how to supply all the different temperature values to the shader program? You can pass outside values to the shader through uniform variables, but there’s a limit of at most a couple of hundreds of values it has room for.
On the other hand the shader can handle tens of thousands of vertices. And since I want to render a plane diagram I only need two of the three space coordinates of the points in the diagram, the third coordinate being the same for all points. This means I can use the z-coordinate of each point to pass a measurement value! In the vertex shader I then fetch the z-coordinate of each vertex, translate it to a color value and replace it by zero for rendering. The calculated color value is passed to the fragment shader in a varying variable and we’re done.


Heatmap for a coarse 3 x 5 grid


In my implementation I pass another two parameters to the shader: a maximum measurement value and a cutoff value for showing regions with a temperature higher than the cutoff in yellow. The maximum measurement value is needed to normalize measurement values to the range [0; 1]. This is needed for the measurement to color conversion because color coordinates are in this range.


Heatmap with color cutoff at 35° C


Here’s a demo program using SceneJS to render the diagram in webGL in the browser (full code in my github):

    // Point SceneJS to the bundled plugins
//        pluginPath: "http://scenejs.org/api/latest/plugins"

/*	simple test case 3x5 grid */
	var N_geometry1 =
			id: "geometry1",
			width: 2,
			height: 2,
			widthSegments: 4,
			heightSegments: 2

	// Define a 3x5 grid of temperature values
	var maxMeasurement;
	var measurement = new Array(3);
	for (var i=0; i<measurement.length; i++){
		measurement[i] = new Array(3);
	measurement[0][0] = 30;
	measurement[0][1] = 15;
	measurement[0][2] = 05;
	measurement[0][3] = 05;
	measurement[0][4] = 05;
	measurement[1][0] = 40;
	measurement[1][1] = 20;
	measurement[1][2] = 35;
	measurement[1][3] = 05;
	measurement[1][4] = 05;
	measurement[2][0] = 50;
	measurement[2][1] = 35;
	measurement[2][2] = 20;
	measurement[2][3] = 05;
	measurement[2][4] = 05;

	// flatten measurement to a single array:
	var zValues = measurement.reduce(function(a, b) {
		return a.concat(b);
	N_geometry1.zValues = zValues;
	var N_shader1 = {
		// Custom shader
		// interpret z-coordinates as color indicators and set to 0 for rendering.
		type: "shader",
		shaders: [
				stage: "vertex",
				code: [
					"attribute vec3 SCENEJS_aVertex;",
					"varying vec3 outColor;",
					"uniform float maxMeasurement;",
					"varying float max;",
					"void main () {",
					"	 float measurement;",
					"	 measurement = SCENEJS_aVertex.z;",
					"    gl_Position = vec4(SCENEJS_aVertex.x, SCENEJS_aVertex.y, 0, 1.0);",
					"	 outColor = vec3((measurement/maxMeasurement),0.0,1.0-(measurement/maxMeasurement));",
					"	 max = maxMeasurement;",
				stage: "fragment",
				code: [
					"precision mediump float;",
					"varying vec3 outColor;",
					"uniform float cutoff;",
					"varying float max;",
					"void main( void ) {",
					// color cutoff at red=cutoff/maxMeasurement => yellow
					"gl_FragColor = vec4(outColor.r>cutoff/max ? vec3(1,1,0) : outColor, 1.0);",
		params: {
			// color cutoff at red=30/50 (30°C) => yellow (1.0 -> no highlighting, 0 -> everything highlighted)
			maxMeasurement: 50.,
			cutoff: 30.
		nodes: [ N_geometry1 ]
    var scene = SceneJS.createScene({
			type: "scene",
			canvasId: "canvas1",
			nodes: [N_shader1]


For the geometry (the vertices I pass to the shader) I use a modified “geometry/plane” SceneJS plugin where I insert the measurement values as z-coordinates of the vertices.

KYOTE – a bookmarklet for analyzing option tables

On Options and Option Tables

Options are contracts that give you the right to purchase or sell a specific stock at a guaranteed price independent of the current value of the stock. (There’s a good introduction to options here). You can view an option as a bet on the movement of a stock’s price. The option writer bets that the price will not reach the “strike price” of the option contract, if it does he loses money. As the buyer of an option you hope the stock price will surpass the strike price, the more it does the more profit you make.
Options come in two types: to buy stock at a specific price (call options) or to sell at a specific price (put options).
Of course you have to pay for an option. The more likely it is that the strike price will be reached the more expensive an option is. A call option with a strike price only slightly higher than the current price costs more than an option with a strike price double the current price (less likely to be reached). Also an option expiring to-morrow costs less than an option expiring in 30 days. If you lose the bet you lose exactly the amount you paid for the option, if you win your profit depends on how much the share price has passed the strike price, so it’s basically open-ended.
To find out about the available options for a stock you can go to a financial services site like Yahoo! Finance where you find option tables for most publicly traded stocks. Here is the option table for options for stock of VALE expiring in January 2017.

Vale January 2017

There’s a line for each option. When you try to compare them you have to consider at least the strike price, the strike date (when they will expire) and the premium or cost of the option. The strike date is embedded in the option symbol. You first have to extract this date, make a quick calculation how much time is still left, look at the strike price to determine how likely this is to be reached within the remaining time and, finally figure out whether the premium, i.e. cost of this option is favorable or not. Try to do that in your head for several options you’re trying to compare.
To help with this comparison I have written a little program (called a bookmarklet) to process the information from the option table in such a way that I can ask the question:
“If I buy this option today, how much profit do I make if the share price reaches x?”.
The answer to this question for each of the options in the table together with the number of days until expiration then gives me a basis to compare them in a meaningful way.
In the screenshot below, for instance, I entered two possible future share price scenarios: $8 and $20, respectively.

Vale January 2017 enhanced

If the share price should reach $8 during the next 645 days only the call options with a strike price of $5 or less will give a profit (between 59% and 65%). The $7 option does not yield a profit, because it already costs more than a dollar, therefore if I exercise my option at a share price of $8, I would have paid $1.03 for the option + $7 per share = $8.03 which is more than the stock is currently worth ($8).
For the $20 share price scenario the $12 call option looks very attractive, yielding 3900% or 39 times my investment as profit. Of course, for a share price of $12 or less this option would be worthless and I would lose my investment.

Creating a Bookmarklet

A bookmarklet is formally a bookmark in a web browser like any other bookmark, but instead of pointing to a url it consists of a javascript program. When a bookmark is clicked the browser downloads the content from the bookmark’s url. When a bookmarklet is clicked the script in the bookmarklet is executed in the context of the currently loaded page.
This script can do anything in the browser that code downloaded from a url can do, in particular it can examine the current page, as well as modify its html, css and javascript. Most bookmarklets I have seen change the appearance of the current page (colors, fonts, etc.) or send content from the page to another url (to perform a search query or request a translation). Here I show a bookmarklet which examines (someone else’s) html tables and interactively adds new columns.
If you want to roll your own bookmarklet, here’s a good tutorial.

So, how exactly does my bookmarklet work? First I examined the Yahoo Finance page for the option chain of some stock. It shows two tables, one for call options, one for put options. Both tables (and only these) have the same class attribute “yfnc_datamodoutline1”. So

var tables_kbb = 

retrieves the table elements from the document root and assigns it to a new variable. I give all the variable names I am using a specific suffix (“_kbb”) to make sure they don’t clash with the names of existing variables in the original html. From the table element I can access specific fields in the table through the html childNodes or children property. I use the children property which returns only child nodes which are elements, whereas childNodes would return text nodes as well.
The second column in the table lists the symbols or names of each option, from which I extract the strike date and calculate the number of days until expiration. I then show this number in a new column I add to the table.
For each row something like

		var col$_kbb = document.createElement("TD");

will add a new column to the row.
I then define a function setColumnValues_kbb(col) which will prompt for a stock price value and add a new column showing the expected profit one would make buying an option today if the stock should reach the price entered for that column before the strike date.
The following code allows triggering this function by key presses:

	document.onkeypress = function(event) {
		event = event || window.event;
		var code = event.keyCode || event.which;
		var keyString = String.fromCharCode(code);
		if (keyString == 'c') currentTable_kbb = 0;
		if (keyString == 'p') currentTable_kbb = 1;
		if (keyString == '1') setColumnValues_kbb(1);
		if (keyString == '2') setColumnValues_kbb(2);
		if (keyString == '3') setColumnValues_kbb(3);
		if (keyString == '4') setColumnValues_kbb(4);
		if (keyString == '5') setColumnValues_kbb(5);

There’s a maximum of five columns which can be added by pressing the numeric keys, and the ‘c’ and ‘p’ keys switch between the call options and put options. Any column can be redefined with a new value.

Some Technical Considerations

During development I worked with local files to avoid having to upload each and every modification I made before being able to test it. When you load your script from file you can’t have it modify a live web page because of the same-origin security policy built into the browser. So I developed against a saved copy of the Yahoo Finance page. My script during development was loaded from a local html file like this:

<a href="javascript: (function () { var elem = document.createElement('script'); elem.setAttribute('src', 'file:///C:/E/Bookmarklets/file.js?t='+(new Date().getTime())); document.body.appendChild(elem); }()) ">
Bookmarklet (development)

The “javascript:” keyword in the href attribute tells the browser that the contents is a script and not a url.
The date/time stamp appended to the uri avoids working with a cached copy of the script.
Once I finished development I changed this to:

<a href="javascript: (function () { var elem = document.createElement('script'); elem.setAttribute('src', 'http://my-website.net/file.js'); document.body.appendChild(elem); }()) ">
Bookmarklet (production)

However, this did not work for the following reason: the Yahoo Finance page uses https protocol and my own web site http, so the browser blocks it with a “mixed active content” error message. I worked around this problem by avoiding to load my script from the web, including it completely in the bookmarklet instead:

<a href='javascript: (function(){var l=".kbb_percentage {color:#00a;
background-color:#fff;}";l+=".kbb_days {color:#a40;background-color:
#fff;}";var f=document.createElement("style");f.innerHTML=l;
document.body.appendChild(f);var p=document.getElementsByClassName("
yfnc_datamodoutline1");var a=0;alert("Klaus Yahoo Option Table Enhance
r\ntaking over!");d(0,8);d(1,8);document.onkeypress=function(t){t=t||
window.event;var s=t.keyCode||t.which;var r=String.fromCharCode(s);if(
){o(3)}if(r=="4"){o(4)}if(r=="5"){o(5)}};function o(r){var s=prompt
("Enter expected SP","");while(isNaN(Number(s))){s=prompt("Invalid 
number!\nRe-enter expected SP","")}if(s!=null){n(a,0,r+8,s);h(a,r+8,s)
}}function q(t,s,u){var r=Number(g(s,u).innerHTML);console.log("# "+r+
" # "+e(s,u).innerHTML+" # "+s);if(s==0){return(100*(t-(Number(e(s,u)
.innerHTML)-(Number(t)+r))/r).toFixed(0)}else{return 0}}}function m()
{return document.getElementsByClassName("time_rtq_ticker")[0]
.children[0]}function j(r){myHTMLNode.innerHTML=r.innerHTML}function 
i(r){return p[r].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].child
ren[0]}function e(r,s){return i(r).children[s].children[0].children[0]
.children[0]}function c(r,s){return i(r).children[s].children[1].child
ren[0]}function g(r,s){return i(r).children[s].children[2].children[0]
}function k(s,t){var r=document.createElement("TD");r.setAttribute
i(s).children[t].appendChild(r)}function n(s,u,r,t){if(i(s).children
("class","yfnc_tablehead1")}}function h(t,r,s){for(var u=1;u<i(t)
.childNodes.length;u++){n(t,u,r,q(s,t,u))}}function d(s,r){n(s,0,r,"dd
");for(var t=1;t<i(s).childNodes.length;t++){n(s,t,r,b(s,t))}}
function b(u,v){var r;for(var t=0;t<6;t++){if(!isNaN(Number(r=c(u,v).
innerHTML.substring(t,t+6)))){var s=(new Date(Number(r.substring(0,2))
+2000,Number(r.substring(2,4))-1,Number(r.substring(4,6)))-new Date())
/(1000*60*60*24);console.log(s+" rounded: "+(s+0.5).toFixed(0));return
(s+0.5).toFixed(0)}}}}());'>Kyote 1.0</a>

If you look at it you’ll notice a couple of other things:

I replaced all my quotes by double quotes and put the complete script inside single quotes as the value of the href attribute.
I also got rid of all line breaks and comments. To achieve this I generated a minified version of my script using the YUI Compressor . This also had the side effect to reduce code size by replacing variable names by single letter names and removing most whitespace.

The anchor element above makes up the complete bookmarklet which can be dragged to your bookmarks and used from there on any Yahoo Finance option table.
You can find it here on my server if you want to try it out for yourself.

Calling Neo4j from Javascript

An optional introduction…

Originally, all I thought of posting was the code example below, together with a couple of lines of explanation. But then I thought of people who have never heard of Neo4j, but if they knew it could find it useful and interesting. Hence this little introduction.
Graph databases belong to the new breed of NoSQL (“Not only SQL”) databases.
Neo4j is one such graph database. It incorporates the basic functionality of a relational database with records made up of fields, but in addition it allows the definition of relationships between these records. Say you have two kind of records in your database, persons and technical skills. Between these records you can define relationships like “has_skill” (between persons and skills), “reports_to” (between persons), etc. These relationships can even have fields of their own, say, “skillLevel” for the “has_skill” relationship.
And all this information you can retrieve through powerful queries, such as “show me all the skills of the people reporting to Joe” or even “show me all the skills with a skill level of ‘expert’ of all the people reporting to any of Joe’s managers” (who in turn are, of course, reporting to Joe).

Now suppose you have a homepage, an app or anything which runs in your browser. Assume you want this page to access your Neo4j database to retrieve, update or store information. You could (and for security reasons actually should) implement this access on your internet server. So you would send your request to the server which has some code that accesses your database (on the same or another server) and serves the result to your browser.
If you search the internet on how to do this you will find a good number of places for solutions using node.js or a variety of drivers like here at Neo4j or at StackOverflow.
What I want to show here is a bit different: just the minimal code required to directly access a Neo4j server from within your html.


A minimal working example

I’ll deliberately pick a trivial example to show just the mechanism of accessing the database. Assume we have a couple of programming skills in our database which we could have inserted using the Cypher (Neo4j’s query language) statement:
CREATE (s1:Skill {name: “Java”}), (s2:Skill {name: “XML”}), (s3:Skill {name: “HTML”})
Now from inside our homepage we want to query the database to retrieve all the skills it currently knows of and display them as a list in the browser window. Here is all the code we need:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script>
		url: "http://localhost:7474/db/data/cypher",
		accepts: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
		data: {
			"query" : "Match (n:Skill) return n.name",
			"params" : {}
			var list = "";
			document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = list;
<div id="message">***</div>

A couple of comments concerning the code:

line 1: load the jQuery library whose ajax method we want to use for sending a http POST request.
line 2: start our own javascript
line 3: call jQuery’s ajax method to initiate our http request
line 4: the url for the request assuming we are running the Neo4j server locally on its default port 7474. The path is that of the cypher endpoint.
(There is also a Transactional Cypher HTTP endpoint which allows you to execute a series of Cypher statements and then either commit them
or roll back.)
line 8: the actual Cypher query
line 9: no parameters used in this query
line 11: this is a http POST request
line 12: an anonymous callback function called if the request succeeds, which will
line 16: iterate over all requested skill names
line 17: and concatenate them wrapped in <li> tags
line 20: show them in the html element “message”
line 22: in case of error log the error to the console
line 29: this is the only html code on our page, which will show the results

And this is what you should see in your browser window:

  • Java
  • XML
  • HTML

    An optional epilogue

    If you don’t have Neo4j installed but would like to play around with it you can install the free Community Edition from here. After installing it start it up and point your browser to http://localhost:7474
    If you like enter the Cypher query from our example in the editor (the command line shown at the top of the page) to create the 3 skills:

    CREATE (s1:Skill {name: “Java”}), (s2:Skill {name: “XML”}), (s3:Skill {name: “HTML”})

    Then create a new record (called “node” in Neo4j), this time of type (“label”) “Person”:

    CREATE (john:Person {name: “John Doe”})

    Now define a relationship “Knows” from this Person node to all the Skill nodes:

    MATCH (p:Person {name: “John Doe”}), (s:Skill) CREATE (p)-[:Knows]->(s)

    Watch the diagram shown in the browser window.
    Finally, since John doesn’t know Java delete the link from John to Java:

    MATCH x-[r:Knows]->y WHERE y.name=”Java” DELETE r

    and if you substitute the Cypher query in our example by:

    Match (person)-[:Knows]->(s) Return s.name

    and reload the page you should only get the skills known by some person in the database, i.e. Java is no longer listed.